Get ahead of the markets

Alternative Data for Identifying Risk & Discovering Opportunities

Make better decisions through use of alternative data. PierSight's constellation will provide near real-time insights. With revisit time of 30 minutes, you can rewind back in time and get a complete picture.

Estimated that 600 dark ships are transporting illegal Russian oil

Hedge funds use satellite data to track customer footfalls in retail

A hedge fund anticipated the drop in lumber prices based on data from drones

Get ahead of the markets

Alternative Data for Identifying Risk & Discovering Opportunities

Make better decisions through use of alternative data. PierSight's constellation will provide near real-time insights. With revisit time of 30 minutes, you can rewind back in time and get a complete picture.

Estimated that 600 dark ships are transporting illegal Russian oil

Hedge funds use satellite data to track customer footfalls in retail

A hedge fund anticipated the drop in lumber prices based on data from drones

Get ahead of the markets

Alternative Data for Identifying Risk & Discovering Opportunities

Make better decisions through use of alternative data. PierSight's constellation will provide near real-time insights. With revisit time of 30 minutes, you can rewind back in time and get a complete picture.

Estimated that 600 dark ships are transporting illegal Russian oil

Hedge funds use satellite data to track customer footfalls in retail

A hedge fund anticipated the drop in lumber prices based on data from drones

Get ahead of the markets

Alternative Data for Identifying Risk & Discovering Opportunities

Make better decisions through use of alternative data. PierSight's constellation will provide near real-time insights. With revisit time of 30 minutes, you can rewind back in time and get a complete picture.

Estimated that 600 dark ships are transporting illegal Russian oil

Hedge funds use satellite data to track customer footfalls in retail

A hedge fund anticipated the drop in lumber prices based on data from drones

Get ahead of the markets

Alternative Data for Identifying Risk & Discovering Opportunities

Make better decisions through use of alternative data. PierSight's constellation will provide near real-time insights. With revisit time of 30 minutes, you can rewind back in time and get a complete picture.

Estimated that 600 dark ships are transporting illegal Russian oil

Hedge funds use satellite data to track customer footfalls in retail

A hedge fund anticipated the drop in lumber prices based on data from drones

Case Study

Dark ships move Russian oil,
insurance companies at risk

The threat of dark ships is growing. Automatic Identification System (AIS), the most prevalent means for tracking ships isn't necessarily reliable. It relies on ships to broadcast information, but what's the guarantee that ships don't turn it off entirely, or even worse, spoof their location?

This was the exact modus operandi for a dark fleet which was transporting Russian oil illegally, while spoofing their location. All while covered by insurers based in US who were now at risk.

Read the excellent reportage by The New York Times.

How can Alternative Data help?

How can Alternative Data help?

Insurance Risk Assessment

Insurance companies can track ships of they insure in real-time as well as replay. Setup alerts and be proactive, not reactive.

Discovering Opportunities

Monitoring maritime traffic, understanding the flow of commodities; these are just some ways in which hedge funds can access novel data.

Data Enrichment

During the Suez Canal blockage, $9.6B worth of daily trade was held up. Our data could enrich existing sources to help re-route traffic.

Download Brochure: Maritime Insurance

Download Brochure: Maritime Insurance

Download Brochure: Maritime Insurance

Want to read this later or share with a colleague. Download a one-pager that gives a high-level overview of our solution for Maritime Insurance

Want to read this later or share with a colleague. Download a one-pager that gives a high-level overview of our solution for Maritime Insurance

Want to read this later or share with a colleague. Download a one-pager that gives a high-level overview of our solution for Maritime Insurance

Detect, Analyze, Protect: All in Real Time

SAR technology excels with its all-weather imaging, comprehensive ocean coverage, low-latency data processing, and seamless data fusion, making it an indispensable resource for a wide array of applications.

All Weather Imaging

All Weather Imaging
All Weather Imaging

Imaging through cloud cover and darkness.

100% Ocean Coverage

100% Ocean Coverage
100% Ocean Coverage

Building persistent and dynamic visibility of all human footprint at sea.

Low Latency

Low Latency
Low Latency

Actionable insights at 30 minute intervals.

Data Fusion

Data Fusion
Data Fusion

Single platform for SAR & AIS data

Learn more about our products and offerings

Explore how our data solutions can help make better decisions from near real-time visibility of the oceans. At 1/6th the cost of existing solutions, we're bringing a step function change to Earth Observation.

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Insights on maritime intelligence, right to your inbox

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Insights on maritime intelligence, right to your inbox

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Insights on maritime intelligence, right to your inbox

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Insights on maritime intelligence, right to your inbox

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PierSight is building a constellation of SAR & AIS satellites to provide persistent monitoring for the maritime industry.

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PierSight 2024

Made in India, for the world

PierSight is building a constellation of SAR & AIS satellites to provide persistent monitoring for the maritime industry.

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PierSight 2024

Made in India, for the world

PierSight is building a constellation of SAR & AIS satellites to provide persistent monitoring for the maritime industry.

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PierSight 2024

Made in India, for the world

PierSight is building a constellation of SAR & AIS satellites to provide persistent monitoring for the maritime industry.

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PierSight 2024

Made in India, for the world

PierSight is building a constellation of SAR & AIS satellites to provide persistent monitoring for the maritime industry.

Social media

PierSight 2024

Made in India, for the world